Palestra: Técnicas não convencionais para se determinar a "saúde" de módulos semicondutores de potência
Data: 30/03/23
Hora: 10h
Local: EMC - Bloco A, Sala Caryocar Brasilienses
Prof. Dr. Volker Pickert
Newcastle University – Reino Unido.
Conhecimento da temperatura de junção Tj dos semicondutores de potência é essencial para monitoramento das condições de funcionamento e saúde dos conversores. Vários métodos podem ser utilizados para se estimar e medir a temperatura de junção. As técnicas mais utilizadas são: i) elaboração de modelos térmicos capazes de descrever a condução de calor entre o dispositivo semicondutor e o sensor de calor colado ao dissipador; ii) desenvolvimento de sensores de temperatura embarcados nos chips semicondutores ou iii) implementação de circuitos para se observar a sensibilidade à temperatura de parâmetros elétricos. A palestra apresentará uma visão geral das técnicas menos conhecidas para se determinar Tj e as falhas presentes nos módulos semicondutores. A audiência será estimulada a discutir com o palestrante de forma a tornar a apresentação mais participativa e menos expositiva.
Prof. Dr. Volker Pickert
Newcastle University – Reino Unido.
Biografia resumida do autor:
Volker Pickert (Member of IEEE & IET) studied at the RWTH Aachen, Germany, and Cambridge University, UK, and he received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from RWTH Aachen in 1994. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree in power electronics from Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K., in 1997. From 1998 to 1999, he was an Application Engineer at Semikron GmbH, Nuremberg, Germany, and from 1999 to 2003 he was Group Leader at Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany, responsible for the development of electric drives for electric vehicles. In 2003, he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in the Electrical Power Group, Newcastle University, and in 2011 he became Full Professor. In 2012, he became the Head of the Electrical Power Group and in 2020 he became the Director of Electrical and Electronic Engineering managing 40 academics and over 100 post docs and PhD students. He has published more than 200 book chapters, journal articles, and conference papers in the area of power electronics and electric drives. His current research interests include power electronics for transport applications, thermal management, health monitoring techniques, and advanced nonlinear control. Prof. Pickert received the IMarEST Denny Medal for the best article in the Journal of Marine Engineering in 2011 and in 2018 he received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Computing Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE), Essex, UK. He is regularly invited as keynote speaker and advises governments on energy and transport related issues. In 2019 he became the Director of UK’s EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Electric Propulsion training 50 PhD students. He is the Editorin-Chief of the IET Power Electronics journal and received in 2019 the IET Outstanding Editorin-Chief Award.
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